There are people right now who will pay a premium for your knowledge, your intellectual property—because what makes you different is what makes you valuable.

Keep reading because I’m addressing all your “What ifs…?” around creating & launching a program. I’ll show you my proven approach.

It’s your time to create now. Launch now. Get results now. Because you’re ready now.

I’m inviting you to work with me… so that I can help you uncover your unique voice, create your course in record time, and make money in a way that works for you.

It’s an amazing feeling when you SAY you’re going to do something and actually DO it. I’m inviting you to enrol in Heads Over Heels and be the version of yourself who says I DID IT!

Sign Me Up Now!

What if there was a clear, enjoyable step-by-step process that makes it easy to start your online coaching business?


I’ve been helping entrepreneurs build profitable businesses for more than 5 years.  I know that if they’re struggling to make sales, the problem isn't that...

*  Their offer isn't good enough.
*  Their prices are too high.
*  They're simply “bad at selling".

It’s that they’re all over the place!  They have no clarity or focus, they're still focussing on Facebook, their pitch and niche are too general - and they're stuck in their own heads.

They lack a clear process. 
They’re not taking focused action.

They haven't established their authority in their niche.
So they end up trying to doing 348 different things...

And then they wonder why they're nor getting epic results.

No clarity + No focus = No results

Paulina Johnrose

I cannot recommend Angela enough!

Angela has motivated and inspired me so much!  Building a course isn’t easy, particularly because we so often get in our own way.  She gave me the support that I needed to believe in myself and push myself, my brand and my program forward.

Developing my Signature System IP together allowed me to see my program in a way I had never thought of before and has somehow made my program and systems all that much more real to me and so easy to explain to my clients. I cannot recommend Angela enough!

Vanessa Buchanon

I'm paid more than I ever thought possible

Thank you so much for changing my life and my business. 

Before I was coaching 1:1 and not really been properly paid for it. 

didn’t have the guts to raise my prices because I thought no one would pay me more. 

Thanks to you, I’ve shifted my nutrition business to two group programs and get paid more than I ever thought possible.  I finally feel like a real business woman.

Andrea Langham

Smash(ed) through my barriers

I'm so pleased to be working with Angela as my business coach.  Not only is she getting me out of my comfort zone and stepping up into my entreprenerialshipness, she's keeping me accountable and is helping to smash through my barriers.

I've achieved more since working with her in a month than in the past 2 years on my own trying to figure it all out.

If you're still trying to figure it all out on your own, contact her. I cannot thank her enough for her business mentoring.

Maybe you’ve also caught one (or all) of these thoughts spinning through your mind…


I know I need show-stopping branding, an epic freebie and a great website… but what do I focus on first?

What tech do I need? Email provider, website, social media, it’s just so much!

How do I build my list? And what emails should I send once people sign up!?!

Should I rework my offer yet again? Create more offers? Or maybe make it cheaper, so that someone buys?

How can I get clear on my messaging and make sales without coming across as salesy?  I don’t want to get on people's nerves…

The list goes on and on...

And if you’ve found yourself worrying about one or all of the above, then Heads Over Heels is perfect for you. process exactly for you!

Are you ready to step into your story and launch your course and work-from-anywhere business?


Enrol Me Now at 70% Off!

Creating a Profitable Program Starts with Your Story

It has nothing to do with what you think are sexy, in demand topics.  It's about your genius and DNA - what makes you unique, what makes you different - to create a course that’s unique for your clients.

Choose one that describes you and we’ll show you how you too can create a successful digital program.

  • Coaching & Consulting
  • Bloggers / Influencers
  • Travel
  • Dance / Music / Performance
  • Parenting / Family Relationships
  • Photography / Art  
  • Writing / Publishing
  • Tech / Business
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Finances & Investing / Real Estate Investing
  • Health / Fitness / Wellness 
  • Personal Development
  • Production
  • Law

So, what’s your story?

Because your story will make your course a smashing success. 



What if my category/industry is saturated?

"What if I want to teach fitness or business? How am I supposed to compete?”

We're going to help you uncover a kickass subniche that isn't served properly and position you in that niche to become a Key Person of Influence.  

Playing in a "Blue Ocean" combined with harnessing the power of your story will set your business on fire!

When you join Heads over Heels, I’ll show you that your program begins with your story.

That’s the key to making it a one-of-a-kind.

Your course content will be based on your unique life experiences. That’s the key to creating your inimitable framework that no one else on the planet will offer.

  • Feel deeply supported and confident knowing you're working with an experienced business strategist and coach, who believes in you, has your back and leads you to the finish line with a clear path for transformation.


  • Banish overwhelm by unlocking your true potential with your North Star, a simple four-step roadmap to launch your successful business.


  • Fall in love with and have fun selling as you finally see that selling is service!


  • Create a digital coaching business that you love that gives you freedom to create work-life balance and time play - while being divinely compensated for it and feeling rich, nourished, and supported on all levels..


  • Transform from feeling invisible, disempowered and inadequate to confidently and knowledgeably stepping into your role as the CEO of your business with your own transformational signature system.


  • Attract your dream clients who'll be saying, “I want what SHE has” and holding out their credit cards to you as you share your magnetic presence and life-changing content with them.
Enrol Now

Denise Elliston

6 months in and I’ve almost hit the $150k mark

Angela Sedran, where have you been all my life???

Can I just say how amazing you are, the way you motivate and inspire me is inspirational. 

I could never have gotten out of my comfort zone and created and sold the amazing course that I did without you! 

6 months in and I have almost hit the $150k mark!

Sangeetha Kandan

I love Angela’s way of teaching!

My goal was to move away from 1-on-1 and focus on group programs and courses.

I wanted to be able to run a business that is worth my while, a business I can grow and scale.

Angela gave me so much clarity on how to build my first course and showed me what was possible.

Brittnee Williams

Transforms you and your business

I have a Master's degree but have learned more about running my business and making bank from Angela than any university ever taught me. 

She has given me a confidence and clarity that no other coach that I have ever worked with has. Believe me, I’ve tried a few. 

Anyone can teach you a few principles, but Angela transforms you and your business.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to embrace your unlimited power to build, launch and sell your juicy, winning course and help transform your clients!  




It’s a 6-month step-by-step implementation and group accountability and coaching program with extensive support.

You get clear steps to focus on so that you’re not overthinking but taking focused action towards your goals!

You walk away with a launched course, a list of hundreds of people who are interested in it and you’ll learn to make sales.

Even if you already have an online business or course, HEADS OVER HEELS will be invaluable in getting you to the next level, extending your reach and ensuring that you set yourself up for growth. 

This is why we even have clients with 6-figure businesses coming back again and again to the Heads Over Heels process!


Any of these sound familiar?  I fell into these myself and I've helped countless clients overcome them.


The Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall Trap

With so many strategies out there, it's easy to lose focus and get trapped in overdoing. You don’t have a clear path, so you try to do EVERYTHING in the hope that something works instead of consistently sticking to ONE clear focused plan.

You're exhausted, overworked and frustrated because, despite all your time and energy, you have very little to show for it.


The Class No Time Trap

You’ve been in business a while and you have clients. YAY! The only problem is that you're so busy with your clients that you never have time to create your course, launch your group program or do any of the things that will grow and scale your business.

You're tired from working with so many clients all day every day…. But, with no spare time, you have no clue how to break out of this cycle, and if you take on less clients, your income shrinks.


The Paralysis of Analysis Trap

So you've heard about lead magnets and landing pages and challenges and webinars and email lists and funnels etc etc etc… But the mountain of options out there has left you you feeling totally overwhelmed and clueless about where to start.

You don’t want to waste your time and hard-earned money on strategies that don’t work… But HOW can you know what will work for you and WHERE should you even start?

My mission is to help a million women achieve thriving businesses by 2030

When I started my online business years ago, I was throwing spaghetti at the wall.  I wasted a lot of time and money on the wrong things.  The courses I took left me lost and overwhelmed because they didn't provide the support or accountability that I needed. 

It was only when I took my training and experience to create a simple system for my clients that my business took off. 

I'm an ex-corporate business strategist, marketing maven, management consultant and executive coach dedicated to helping visionary women to build, market and scale their online businesses.

I create the program that I wished existed when I was started my online business - a program with everything you need to know to create your course, build a list and make sales - and that actually gets you to take action!


Unlike every other coach out there, I...

  • Have a proven signature business system that you can implement right away to supercharge your ability to draw in more clients and cash.
  • Am a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and the International Association of Coaching.
  • Have coached and advised 1,000s of senior execs, CEOs and business owners, across 5 continents, to shift their limiting beliefs and achieve positive, lasting behavioural change. I can guide you to blossom into an effective, successful  CEO.
  • Have helped some of the world’s biggest companies to build and achieve their business strategies - I can teach you the business and self mastery skills to do the same.
  • Built and sold a 7 figure online women’s sensuality business and a casino hospitality business. I’m a serial entrepreneur.
  • Overcame the bulimia keeping me small, insecure, and stuck - leading me to specialise in the psychology of leadership, and achieving business results.
  •  Have an MBA and an undergrad degree in accounting, making me super qualified to teach you how to build, scale and market your business.
  • Understand the unique challenges a woman faces. As a single widowed mother, for years I tried to juggle work, find enough time for my child and help him overcome his deafness… and stay sane! 


I'm in. Let's do this!

4 Core Components of Heads Over Heels that will Fast-track your Success

Maybe this all sounds great and exciting but now you’re wondering HOW Heads Over Heels will actually help you achieve your goals.

Heads Over Heels is designed to get you going and take the overwhelm out of building your online business.

And here’s how it works.

We’ll focus on 4 core components that will set you on the path to success and get you ready to sell at the end of the process.

Enrol Now



The 10 core modules are supported by 6 months of powerhouse weekly 60-minute LIVE Q&As and hot seat coaching to support you, answer your questions and keep you accountable. 

Week by week you will get clear tasks to complete - 100% overwhelm-free!

Each module has a clear outcome and is broken into 7 clear steps to achieve it.  

When you do sometimes hit a roadblock, unlike other programs, we'll roll up our sleeves and work with you to overcome it, teaching you how to do it yourself in the future.

Part of the Heads Over Heels success formula and reason for the 90% completion rate is that we are there for you.  Unlike other programs, we will work with you until your issues are resolved.

Kick overwhelm to the kerb knowing that you will have a clear process and our full support to guide you through it as you have fun building our business!

If you’re ready to get out of your own way and create the success you want, join Heads Over Heels now!

Lashonda Brown

My business has taken off!!!

OMG!!!  I’ve been struggling with getting my coaching business off the ground for the last 3 years and have wasted thousands of dollars on all sorts of training that was meant to work. 

I was so over it until I met Angela.  Finally, a coach with experience who has helped me put all the confusing puzzle pieces together. 

My business has taken off!!!

Carly Foster-Jenkins

I was ready to give up until I found her

Angela is in a league of her own.  She has incredible business knowledge and pushes me to the next level.

She's also so real. There’s no fluff, no woo woo, it’s just let's get to the bottom of what's holding you back, smash through those barriers and just do it.  I was ready to give up until I found her - and now my business is thriving!

Erica Torres

Going to be a 7-figure year!

I doubled my business last year and just had my first 6 figure month.  This is going to be a 7-figure year!

I couldn't have done this without Angela.  She has helped me transform into a confident CEO, not just a woman who owns a small business.

The proven step-by-step process, your North Star, to kickstart your business

Fast track your online business without overwhelm in a way that that practically guarantees your success

10 weeks of goal & action-focused masterclasses 

Released week-by-week to make sure you’re never overwhelmed and always on track with lifetime access to the digital curriculum and all updates

6 months of powerhouse weekly 60-minute LIVE Q&As & hot seat coaching

26 hours in total with me to help review your work and get your questions answered so that you never feel stuck or overwhelmed

6 months of supportive group membership

To keep you accountable and on track, PLUS you have additional access to coaches to get your questions answered and a practice container for your Lives

Performance coaching to slay the Imposter Syndrome & your Dollar Demons 

Build your leadership skills and prepare the runway to closing sales with your dream clients with speed, ease and grace -  because you know you can!

Lifetime use of my proven Discovery Call word-for-word sales call plan

WHAT to say and HOW to say it in a sales call so that you can serve and sell with ease and grace. Save hours of effort, testing and measuring - sales stress be gone! This is not script, it's a carefully prepared meeting plan that allows you to focus on serving in your calls.

Bonus 1: 

Lifetime use of my beautifully designed, high-end plug-and-play training session slide pack swipe file

This professionally designed slide pack is not only beautiful, it will also save you weeks of trying to figure how to build a class or webinar, what to say and how to sell using it.

It also comes with full step-by-step sales section, saving you days of work and making it easy peasy to build every single one of your classes and close and sell with grace.

Bonus 2: 

Done-for-you tested launch & nurture email swipe files

Think it has to be hard and take hours (and hours!) to write your marketing emails? Not with our Done-For-You swipe files!

Use these proven email swipes to write your emails in no time… and without having to worry if they'll work or not.

These easy-to-use swipes have generated amazing results in Angela’s business.  They’ve worked wonders for other entrepreneurs like you and they WILL do the same for you, without question.

You can save yourself hours of guesswork, writing, deleting and rewriting by using these proven Done-For-You email swipe files instead… to practically guarantee that your emails will be a great success!

Bonus 3: 

Masterclass:  How to attract, engage & sell on LinkedIn

A 60-minute video training on how to grow and monetise your LinkedIn presence, your personal goldmine, and network as I show you how to use this platform to build trust, authority and engagement so that they become a source of clients on tap. 

No mucking around trying to figure out how to apply what you’ve learned.

Bonus 4: 

Sales call discovery meeting planner 

This script is the perfect place to start when it comes to becoming a pro at sales calls.  

Conquer your fear of selling in this safe space and learn that selling is service!

Pay-in-Full Bonus: 

A 60-minute 1:1 personal coaching session with me (valued at $700)

There are times when you want that little bit more help than hot seat coaching can provide.  

I will work directly with you to ensure that your offer is perfect - and hold you accountable to your goals.



Create your next high-ticket offer, course or mastermind and attract soulmate clients within as little as 90 days.

VALUED AT $34,000.  Normally sells for $3,997



(one time payment)

  • Lifetime access to The Heads Over Heels 10 Week Accelerator Program
  • Lifetime access to The Heads Over Heels VIP Community
  • 6 months of access to live weekly Group Implementation Calls and Hotseat Coaching
  • Bonus 1: Unrestricted lifetime use of my beautifully designed, high-end plug-and-play training slide pack
  • Bonus 2: Unrestricted lifetime use of my full set of 10 Launch and Nurture Email Swipe Files
  • Bonus 3: Masterclass - How to Attract, Engage & Sell on LinkedIn
  • Bonus 4: Unrestricted lifetime use of my proven Strategy Discovery Call Word-for-Word Sales Meeting Planner
  • PAY-IN-FULL BONUS: 60-minute 1:1 personal coaching session with Angela (valued at $700)



(for 7 months - total US$1,697)

  • Lifetime access to The Heads Over Heels 10 Week Accelerator Program
  • Lifetime access to The Heads Over Heels VIP Community
  • 6 months of access to live weekly Group Implementation Calls and Hotseat Coaching
  • Bonus 1: Unrestricted lifetime use of my beautifully designed, high-end plug-and-play training slide pack
  • Bonus 2: Unrestricted lifetime use of my full set of 10 Launch and Nurture Email Swipe Files
  • Bonus 3: Masterclass - How to Attract, Engage & Sell on LinkedIn
  • Bonus 4: Unrestricted lifetime use of my proven Strategy Discovery Call Word-for-Word Sales Meeting Planner



Whether you want to get online fast or fast track your existing online business, by following Heads Over Heel's proven step-by-step process, you’ll achieve epic results in just 90 days

Most people struggle to get  any traction in their online business. 

They have no idea where to start because they're drowning in information, which leads to overwhelm, procrastination and finally complete paralysis  - or giving up.

You don't have to be on of them!

With Heads Over Heels, you follow a proven process that's allowed many successful women fast track their online businesses - even if they felt lost in the online business world before they started.

Take the guesswork and overwhelm out of your online business, and get traction in as little as 90 days.

You’ll be inspired, motivated and held accountable by Team Angela to keep you going and make sure you achieve your goals.

Enrol me now

Heads Over Heels isn't another course! It’s a coaching-led program to help you stop overthinking and fast track your online business success


Yes, most of our students make sales at the end of the first few months.

Most of them, in fact, make back their investment many times over. You’ve seen that in the many success stories on this page!

Heads Over Heels is about taking action.

Building your email list - which is the most important element in online business success.

Attracting your ideal client.

Creating your course.

It’s about following through and showing up for yourself and your business.

Because once you do that, you'll see that the sky is the limit and you can achieve anything you dream of.

Making sales are simply the cherry on top! 

The point is that just by showing up and doing the work, you're already a winner!

You're already miles ahead of your competition...

And you walk away with a tested and proven online course that you can now sell again and again and again.

Let's Do This!

I don't have an online business yet, is HEADS OVER HEELS for me?

Yes, it's is designed for women in all stages of online business, including those just starting out and testing their idea. If you haven’t nailed down your idea before you join, it’s no problem, we’ll help you get clear in the first weeks. All you need to know before you join is that you’re serious about growing a successful and profitable online business and taking action! We’ve got the rest covered.


How much time per day do I need to devote to the program?

Head Over Heels is about building your business and online course, so it is 90% action and 10% inspiration and content. Ideally you need to devote about 1 hour a day to it! 


What if my business is offline. Can I still join?

Yes, absolutely! We’ve helped lots of people take their offline businesses online and the HEADS OVER HEELS process will be perfect to fast-track your results!


Will I be making sales during the program?

It is very common that participants make sales during the program. Many of them make their investment back many times over but HEADS OVER HEELS is not a sales program. Sales are just a bonus, not the reason why you should join! If you are serious about growing your business, getting started and creating your first or next online course with momentum, then HEADS OVER HEELS is perfect for you.


Do I need an email list to do HEADS OVER HEELS?

No! Building an email list of ideal clients and prospective buyers is one of the biggest benefits of taking the program. It doesn’t matter whether you start at zero or you already have hundreds of people on your list.


Will I get 1:1 support?

Absolutely. Through the coaching sessions, Q&A and the private community group, you will get the help and support you need to start selling and marketing your offer.  There is only 1:1 coaching from Angela or Team Angela coaches for the 60-minute sales practice call.


What if English is not my native language?

HEADS OVER HEELS is in English, but it is in easy understandable English for non-native English speakers.


How does the program work?

Your will have access to all materials through our online training platform. The coaching calls take place on Zoom (an online conferencing platform) and you’ll receive additional content and support through a private Facebook group. All the sessions are recorded so you can watch them at your convenience via the training platform.


Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, there will be recordings available for you for the entire length of the program. And you will have lifetime access to all materials.


What if I have a product-based business?

This program is more suited for those who have a service-based business and can launch an offer based on these services.


Do I need to have 1:1 clients already before joining HEADS OVER HEELS?

No. I have developed the program so that you can do the shortcut to quicker scalable business.


I don't have an idea for my course, is it better to wait?

No, don't wait! This is a classic overthinking trap and a big mistake - waiting for the perfect idea to come along. We will help you find your course idea within the first two weeks, which are focussed on helping you gain clarity.

Will today be just another day for you,

or day one of your new life?

Most people never get started.

Most people spend their lives waiting for the perfect moment.

Waiting to feel ready.

Waiting to have all the information, all the answers and all the steps perfectly planned in advance.

And that’s exactly why most people don’t have successful businesses and aren’t living their dreams.

I’m known for being straight forward and telling it like it is…

So, here’s the truth.

The perfect time will never come. 
You’ll never be fully ready. 
And waiting for that “one day”…

It's an illusion that’s going to hold you back for years.

So instead of waiting for “one day” to come, I encourage you to make a bold decision right now and choose...


 Join us on this journey together with an amazing group of women like you and start taking action towards achieving your dreams!

So, what’s is it going to be? Just another day, or day one of your new life?

Enrol Now

Facebook Disclaimer: This site is not a part of or associated with the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.  We cannot take responsibility for your sales and are not making a specific promise regarding your sales numbers. If you take action and implement the strategies, you will absolutely see tangible results, but these will differ from business to business and depend on a variety of factors (such as the size of your audience, your commitment, previous efforts and so on).